The Upper House (Senate) of the French Parliament adopted the bill criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial through voting on October 14, Co-Chairman of the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations of France Murad Papazian said. 156 MPs voted in favor of the bill, 146 were against.
“Comprising a part of that economic space, basically, Armenia is a part of Russian political, military and economic space, and as international sanctions are being imposed, which already means that investments in Armenia are also risky.”
It has been revealed that the supplied ballistic equipment belongs to an export variant of Iskander—namely Iskander-E, with a maximum engagement range of 280 kilometers instead of the classic five-hundred-kilometer Iskander-M. It definitely might have a game-changing effect in the case of a new phase of escalation.
“Of course, the ongoing situation is of utmost importance and is full of threat. However, we should also realize that there are more than thousands of Islamist groups today in Syria, which are separated between supporters of Assad and the Islamic State.”
“If EEU continues existing in the future as well, it’ll only gain if its members have stable economy, which should be diversified and miscellaneous.”
Vice PM presented the advantages and opportunities of doing business in Armenia. Vache Gabrielyan said Armenia is distinguished by the degree of business environment liberalization and is ranked 35th in ease of doing business, and 5th in establishing business among 189 countries in the World Bank index.
“USA-Russia relations today are at their lowest level, that I can ever remember. People accuse Russia of war crime in Syria, and it’s stated by the USA, France, even UNO Secretary General says it.”
There are two Armenian-American candidates who are worthy of your support: 1) Those who live in Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District are urged to vote for Danny Tarkanian (Republican); 2) Those who live in California’s Assembly District 43 should vote for Ardy Kassakhian (Democrat).
“It seemed there was no process, the sides are alienated form one another, however, recent statements make suppose there were active negotiations in this period, during which substantive issues have been covered and even pressure has been exerted. This is encouraging,” Rahr said.
While no one can read Russian President Vladimir Putin’s mind, we can examine historical precedent to construct feasible scenarios for future Russian action, Newsweek reports.