A curious college student in Portland, Ore., has discovered a 1599 Geneva Bible — the Bible of Queen Elizabeth I and William Shakespeare — in the basement of his school’s library.
A new law designed to cut the high rate of sex-selective abortions in Armenia is inadequate, limiting women’s reproductive choices and putting lives at risk, according to women’s rights groups.
“This night I’ve seen “The Promise.” It is the true story of how the Turks slaughtered 1.5 million Armenians in 1915. Erdogan Pasha, Never Again.”
“We see that the tension hasn’t been eliminated, state of affairs on the negotiation table have more sharpened,” the analyst said, not excluding though that new outbreak on Karabakh-Azerbaijan line of contact may be recorded.
“The studies manly reveal that extermination of the Christian element, and particularly Armenians, took place in the Ottoman Empire. It was a well planned state policy. The Young Turks believed that only homogeneous states are powerful, and for reaching that goal ethnic cleansings were necessary,” the scientist said.
Vladimir Yevseev stated that turning points haven’t been recorded during the session, however, one shouldn’t underestimate its results. In his assessment, basically the session became a litmus paper of discrepancies between CSTO member countries, and they should be properly solved.
“Although Armenian public discontent is clear, it’s partially clear for Russia as well, which provided Armenia “Iskander” missile systems to restore military balance between Armenia and Azerbaijan,” Pavel Felgenhauer said.
“Armenia is a special partner for Russia,” Artur Atayev, chief of the Caucasus Studies Centre at the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, told at the discussion on “Russia-Armenia cooperation: ongoing situation and perspectives.”
“CSTO stopped being a security organization. The statement by CSTO members on NK shows that it’s worse, than the Minsk Group or any other organization, which may appear as a security guarantee,” he said.
Recognition of Artsakh is vital for the survival of the Republic of Armenia. Any threat toward Artsakh targets Armenia in the long term. No doubt, the political recognition process is time-consuming.