“This was a great decision by the great nation and was linked not only to the policy led by Turkey 100 years ago, but self-critics and remorse. And it was expected. Recently against the background of our diplomatic shortcomings this was a very good step by Germany,” he said.
Collective Security Treaty Organization—CSTO, in fact, was established for that very purpose: to subordinate security systems of member countries by various formulations under Russia’s control.
Green Party leader Cem Özdemir, one of the initiators of the resolution, has been under police protection since last weekend. He called for a joint response: “I expect the entire Bundestag to say this is our joint decision,” Özdemir told the SWR2 radio station. His party colleague Özcan Mutlu, who has also become a target of hate mail and death threats, added: “I already have serious concerns because I have never experienced threats of this quality.”
Cem Oezdemir, one of the initiators of the resolution, has received death threats via Twitter, Facebook and email – some of them from Germans with Turkish roots in Germany and others from Turks in Turkey, said Julia Jorch, a spokeswoman for the Greens.
For Armenia’s authorities, making statements on integration with Europe, in fact, current quality and regime of relations with Europe are ideal, when becoming a part of Europe is touched upon only on statement level, and at the same time, money is obtained from Europe to continue talking about it.
“I personally know Samvel Babayan, yet years ago I got acquainted with him, thus I can share with my personal impressions.In my opinion, Samvel Babayan in no way is a politician, even by 1 percent, he is an ordinary militarian, thus he has no political perspectives,” Modest Kolerov said.
“Since the beginning of 2016, the OSCE German chairmanship repeatedly stressed how important the formation of a mutual trust atmosphere is in the line of contact, and the important component of this issue is the expansion of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk’s office.
Russia, which completely manages almost all strategic and non-strategic objects and substructures in Armenia, thus, in near future, will get the right to manage Armenia’s “air” or air defense.
Carolyn Rafaelian founded fashion jewelry company Alex and Ani in 2004, taking over what had been her father’s Rhode Island jewelry factory to manufacture the new age, celestial-chic bangles that have become the brand’s staple.
“We need to continue, in the whole world, our struggle aimed at the recognition of, condemnation of, and reparation for the Armenian Genocide.”