How wounded Pavel Manukyan and his son were moved to the intensive care unit
“The relatives of the wounded have also urged to take them to hospital. The law enforcement provided all the necessary conditions. Later the gunmen called the doctor stating that the conditions of the wounded are critical, and after the doctors arrived in the Police station, they have been held hostages by the gunmen.”
“According to the law enforcement, other two injured gunmen are in the territory of the Police HQ. Negotiations are underway—the law enforcement attempt to convince, that medical assistance was provided to them as well, however friends of the injured gunmen refuse.”
In the territory of the Police patrol regiment members of the armed group Gagik Yeghiazaryan and Aram Hakobyan have been handed over to the law enforcement. Shooting has been recorded, as a result of which one of the law enforcement was injured, as well as Pavel Manukyan and his son Aram.
“Under current situation it’s rather difficult, however, it’s a very important capability, which the negotiator should possess. If both sides seek to solve the issue through negotiations. Everything possible should be done to find a way to negotiated solution. The team is negotiating, and not one person. Firstly, the sides should gain trust.”
“Of course, Russia should blame NATO. What else can they speak of? They are the same villains, like those of Yerevan, who insist that NATO summit is nonsense, and nothing important can take place there.”
“This seems to contain continuation as well, after suspension the issue of criminal responsibility is being eliminated, however, negotiations don’t end as a result, but continue on other platform. Not around the assessment of the episodes of criminality, but negotiations around political developments may be definitely launched. In this case it’s useless having concerns.”
There are also credible data according which those bottle bombs were designed for breaking through the police cordon in Khorenatsi Street, breaking into the zone of implementing special measures and taking possession of the firearms seized by the armed group members.
“In the evening of July 25 from 20:00 to 24:00 the gunmen firstly torched the Police bus which was out of the Police precinct’s territory, then they took and torched another two vehicles outside the Police precinct regularly opening fires during that period. At 01:00 the police “UAZ” vehicle went out from the Police precinct and moved towards the Police’s Erebouni station.”
The Investigative Committee continues the preliminary investigation on the July 20 riots. Based on evidence, charges were filed against six people for taking part in the mass disturbances (Criminal Code Article 225, Point 2), destruction of property and violence against police officers.