On February 15, the expert group from the NATO Defense Education Enhancement Program (DEEP) visited the National Defense Research Univerity (NDRU), MoD, RA. President of the NDRU, Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Lieutenant-General Hayk Kotanjian welcomed the guests. He highlighted the support provided by the NATO expert group for the defense education reforms underway in Armenia.
“I attach great importance to this workshop since many things are being forgotten and distorted by Azerbaijan’s efforts. Azerbaijan is incompatible with the human rights, the terrorism committed at the state level is obvious. The April war showed that what has started in Sumgait, is its continuous policy.”
“The existent situation can’t be acceptable to neither party to the conflict, as casualties on both sides have been recorded, and not only during the April developments, but they continue until now on the line of contact. This situation can’t last long.”
Baku is strictly concerned over the statement made by French President Francois Hollande who said the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict must be based on the right to selfdetermination.
“In this circumstance, our goal is not to allow such provocations to achieve their goal,” the Minister said. He assured that the Armenian Armed Forces continue fully controlling the situation in the Nagorno Karabakh-Azerbaijan line of contact and the Armenian-Azerbaijani border
Reflecting to Russia’s role and approaches in the region, that these projects will be banned by Russia, Barzegar said it should be taken into consideration that in the South Caucasus and in the region, where Armenia is located, Russia traditionally has had positions of a leading power. In his words this means, like in case of any other country following its national interests, in case of a superpower those interests are being imposed on other countries.
According to Alexander Skakov, the part referring to Karabakh in anticipated negotiations shouldn’t be overestimated, as Iran isn’t an OSCE MG Co-Chair and is a regional actor with its interests—common border with the conflict zone, where, naturally, military operations are a direct threat to it.
“By Lapshin’s extradition Lukashenko seems to additionally interest, please Aliyev. Let’s understand also that this wasn’t the intention of Belarus, obviously this foxy plan was plotted by Azerbaijan by choosing such a multilayer history.”
The only consoling fact is that the EU has already warned Trump that it won’t support those sanctions and Trump’s anti-Iranian campaign, which means sanctions won’t be extended. As the USA, the EU and Iran concluded nuclear deal as a result of complicated negotiations lasting for decades, didn’t they?” Ali Salami said.
Tigran Balayan made a note on his Facebook page in response to the mentioned announcement, saying “Even the developments in Nardaran are not Azerbaijan’s internal issues, while the April incidents were an aggression against Nagorno Karabakh.”