Reflecting to Russia’s role and approaches in the region, that these projects will be banned by Russia, Barzegar said it should be taken into consideration that in the South Caucasus and in the region, where Armenia is located, Russia traditionally has had positions of a leading power. In his words this means, like in case of any other country following its national interests, in case of a superpower those interests are being imposed on other countries.
According to Alexander Skakov, the part referring to Karabakh in anticipated negotiations shouldn’t be overestimated, as Iran isn’t an OSCE MG Co-Chair and is a regional actor with its interests—common border with the conflict zone, where, naturally, military operations are a direct threat to it.
“By Lapshin’s extradition Lukashenko seems to additionally interest, please Aliyev. Let’s understand also that this wasn’t the intention of Belarus, obviously this foxy plan was plotted by Azerbaijan by choosing such a multilayer history.”
The only consoling fact is that the EU has already warned Trump that it won’t support those sanctions and Trump’s anti-Iranian campaign, which means sanctions won’t be extended. As the USA, the EU and Iran concluded nuclear deal as a result of complicated negotiations lasting for decades, didn’t they?” Ali Salami said.
Tigran Balayan made a note on his Facebook page in response to the mentioned announcement, saying “Even the developments in Nardaran are not Azerbaijan’s internal issues, while the April incidents were an aggression against Nagorno Karabakh.”
“We do not insist on holding meetings or consultations. We offer and try to get consent from respective sides. Agenda of Bonn and Munich meetings is still being developed,” Zakharova said, adding that in case a final decision is reached, press will be informed about that.
“The most important is official information of Artsakhi Defense Army. Even if we suffer losses, which is regretful, one casualty, one wounded soldier is an awful phenomenon to us, we never hide, thus, as long as respective information isn’t provided by respective bodies, one should refrain from disseminating unconfirmed information,” Babayan said.
Gegham Manukyan, a 38 year old soldier of Nagorno Karabakh was fatally wounded by Azerbaijani ceasefire violations at 11:00, February 8, in a military post located in the northern direction of the Defense Army, the ministry of defense of Nagorno Karabakh informed.
The arrest and extradition of Alexander Lapshin cannot have any significance for the work of reporters and human rights advocates in Nagorno Karabakh. This work has been considered and will always be considered as legitimate: this is the principle. A. Lapshin’s extradition fact is obviously linked with the infringement on freedom of speech.
“This policy of Washington shouldn’t become a hindrance to Armenia’s authorities in Armenia-Iran relations, as those relations are a serious component of national security diversification. New, very complicated factor has appeared in the South Caucasus—contrasts of Israel and Iran, which are vividly expressed in the South Caucasus. If we observe Middle East developments under all these processes, maybe not so obviously, but there is a crucial threat—those very Iran-Israel contrasts.”