Drivers can simply download the TELEGRAM app and search for the ROADPOLICEbot subapp in it and enter the license plate and registration number of their vehicles in the app. If the entry is correct, an automatic reply will be sent confirming the data.
“The commander and two deputies of the military unit were dismissed from their posts. Some servicemen have been subjected to disciplinary punishment,” he said.
Movses Hakobyan also informed that Artsakh’s border area is fully equipped with cameras. The direction of Artsakh completely, and the Armenian-Azerbaijani border partially are provided with cameras.
“We are honored to share his story with the world to shed light on the goodwill that exists in the world so that helping others becomes part of our global culture.”
The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative’s guests were introduced on the biography of Armenian renowned composer, conductor and teacher Komitas, reports Armenpress. The co-founders of the Initiative – Ruben Vardanyan, Noubar Afeyan, Robert Bosch Foundation representatives and a group of other guests visited Komitas MuseumInstitute to take part in the event entitled “Heritage of Komitas”.
The Armenian Genocide is being talked about in Congo, tourists who have never been here before are arriving, Armenians abroad say that foreigners know us. We have restricted ourselves and we think that everyone must help us, but first of all we must help ourselves.
“A significant portion of the money is comprised through small donations. We are very proud that a large number of philanthropists support the Fund. We are sure that a day will come when we will state that 10 million philanthropists are supporting us, rather 700,000,” he said.
Catholicos Aram I mentioned the priority signicance of serving to our nation’s spiritual, cultural values, the school and church, and being a participant of the national demanding struggle. He mentioned that it is necessary to be united around our structures.
“The principles, desires and goals of our college are so interrelated with everything that we are doing here now: Aurora for humanity, for learning to live together. We are happy to host you here, in order to help to understand together what’s happening today in the world,” he said.
Today the entire Armenian people have united and combined their efforts for the development and reinforcement of the two Armenian republics, for the secure and prosperous life of the Armenians in their own country, their homeland.