At the same time, average nominal consumption expenditures per capita comprised AMD 42 thousand 867. In 2015, as compared to 2014, the index has grown by 5.1%. Shares of service (by 10.7%), non-food products have considerably increased in expenditures.
With the assistance of Armenia Development Fund and the Armenian Embassy in Netherlands, the BNN public TV aired two films about Armenia after the filming crew of “3 op Reis” travel program visited Armenia.
Narek Asatryan sustained wounds to the head as result of a shell explosion. He was unconscious during the entire time of treatment.
All necessary conditions are created in Armenia for the installation of low capacity autonomous solar stations. After legislative changes, individuals and enterprises can now install up to 150 kW solar stations for their own use, produce power and sell the surplus to the “Electric Networks of Armenia” company.
“This process will cover all the country after the hospitals in Mingachevir and Yevlakh districts make use of compulsory health insurance. It will be introduced in most parts of the country in 2018.”
The issue of defining consumer tariffs of natural gas by Gazprom Armenia was discussed at the November 25 session of the Public Services Regulatory Commission. The PSRC decided to set the following tariffs for natural gas sold by Gazprom Armenia to consumers.
For 41% of respondents the reason was hard socio-economic condition in the country, for 32%—lack of alternative for the regime change, for 21%—anticipation of anti-Armenian solutions in NK conflict process, for 10%—order of external powers, and 6%—hesitated to answer.
“A clear program is needed now, so that the time will come, when arriving in Armenia by plane, we could see from above solar panels, installed on all roofs,” Hayk Harutyunyan, Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of RA, told reporters today.
That Armenians are no migrants but constitute an indigenous population of the Armenian Highlands has already been established by countless previous genetic studies.
“The term luxury isn’t clear, it’s not definite what is luxury, and what is not. Currently we work on property tax and we will introduce in the forthcoming months. It refers to the raising of the tax,” the Deputy PM said.