The error on Friday caused the social network to show a memorial banner on user profiles for people who were still alive.
“We have lost one of music’s most revered and prolific visionaries,” said a post on the artist’s official Facebook page.
High above the gorge the sun is pouring down from a cloudless sky and beyond the river bridge there’s dancing: troupes of young men and women, linking arms, kicking their legs and singing in unison as wild music blares out from speakers beneath the chestnut trees.
During the Government’s November 10 session Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan gave a new instruction to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aimed at assisting the IT sector. The PM said one day in a week together with the IT sector representatives they are discussing what to do in order to provide favorable conditions to them and make a progress.
We live in 2 different countries. The American civil war and conditions leading to it permanently separated the country. A union is not always better when half the country wants to be another country-that’s a divorce
“Day and night they’re playing Wagner, and that’s cool, but they forget about the genius of these composers, because when you play something every day there comes a point of repetition where it feels redundant artistically,” Tankian says.
In the framework of the working meetings which took place at President’s each week, the Minister of Defense reported on the details of the mentioned above program as well as on the problems of the military educational institutions, and avenues to address and modernize them which is done in accordance with another task of the President.
“Upon my subjective opinion there is no sense giving tablets to the children, i.e. I may imagine its use, e.g. to free the children from textbooks, finally, many have problems with the backbone. But when the tablet is becoming an end in itself, it’s another issue.”
“There are 4 sources. One of them is reduction of gas transit price from Russia to Armenia. That transit agreement terminates on January 1, 2017. At the moment negotiations with the Georgian side on reduction of transit tariffs are ongoing. All the money, saved on account of that reduction, will be directed towards solving that issue,” Nazaryan said.
A study released today by IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, shows that the historic global agreement on climate change adopted in Paris last year helped open up nearly $23 trillion in opportunities for climate-smart investments in emerging markets between now and 2030.