The data issued by the RA National Statistical Service (NSS) yesterday make this upsetting snapshot even more complete. Thus, NSS issued GDP data for the third quarter of 2016 (from 2011 GDP calculations are being introduced once in a quarter). In the third quarter of ongoing year Armenia’s GDP comprised AMD 1 trillion 518.3 billion.
On behalf of the Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity, we would like to publicly express our gratitude for your unyielding commitment to raising awareness and rallying support for the world’s most vulnerable people during your term as Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Nairit Plant CJSC has been recognized as bankrupt. Court of General Jurisdiction of Shengavit Administrative District (judge Armen Chichoyan) yesterday hurried to pronounce the verdict on bankruptcy. Accordingly, the Court has satisfied the lawsuit by the “Electric Networks of Armenia” CJSC (ENA) and passed a decision to charge AMD 500 thousand from Nairi Plat CJSC in favor of ENA, as an amount, initially paid as state fee.
At the same time, average nominal consumption expenditures per capita comprised AMD 42 thousand 867. In 2015, as compared to 2014, the index has grown by 5.1%. Shares of service (by 10.7%), non-food products have considerably increased in expenditures.
In the period of January-September 2016 export volume from Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) member countries comprised USD 274.1 million. As compared to the same period of the previous year, export from Armenia to EEU has grown by 55.2%. This information was provided by the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) database.
Guillaume de Guiteau, Hennessy cognac house brand ambassador, paid a 3-day visit to Armenia, within which exclusive master class was conducted by one of the 6 ambassadors, introducing the well-known cognac, a participant of which was as well.
Narek Asatryan sustained wounds to the head as result of a shell explosion. He was unconscious during the entire time of treatment.
“The biggest problem in Turkey-Armenia relation is the following: in Turkey most of the people have no idea and have never thought about the fact that there was Genocide, due to 100 years of governmental police, none of the Turks has any idea of the unspoken, forbidden truth. So, they never question if there was the fact of Genocide, because they have no idea if there were Armenians living before.”
Main source of income for households of the Republic of Armenia is hired job. Thus, monthly nominal monetary income of households in 2015 per capita comprised AMD 52377, from which AMD 28800 (55%) comprises hired job. This information was provided by RA National Statistical Service through its report entitled “Food security and poverty 2016.”
“Of course, I don’t consider that it’s coincidence: this is the reflection of Russian big policy in the South Caucasus, generally in the Caucasus. However, let’s observe them one by one, as Armenia is an independent, sovereign country, and although I’m completely sure, that military cooperation, as well as generally policy pursued by Russia contradicts Armenia’s national interests, Armenia’s authorities have the right to make that decision.”