Azerbaijan is a country defeated by Armenia, globally: their image of the enemy is the Armenian, over-centralization on the image of the enemy is a particle of their socialization. Thus, the Armenian seemingly has become a nightmare to them, a sticking point. They do it so radically, even in school manuals, which is not a sane approach.
“In the whole world, and moreover, in our region, redistribution of spheres of influence has been launched, and naturally, it leads to political tectonic shifts, and Armenia is in the focus of redistribution of those spheres of influence. Until now the country won’t feel on itself that such a threat exists. And Armenia is governed, as usual, under the moment, and this means, that those challenges will be deadly for us.”
Armenia appeared in such a conglomerate, where those appearing aren’t a state any more, at least through internal content. And states without internal content, which are non-states, basically don’t have borders. As the one represented as a border isn’t a border, but a hedge of a military unit of a country, which capitulated the other state.
Yes, any guarantee formulated with the participation of leading powers, influential world organizations, in form of any document is of utmost importance. The point is, however, that security may be guaranteed not only and not much through documents, but by the role of that security guarantor and its power in international policy.
“This is sensational news of global and historical importance, which didn’t receive adequate reflection in Armenia. This means, that a united air force is being established in Armenia, which will provide external defense.”
“On the whole, in my perception of the process, serious issues on the settlement will be postponed until next autumn. Various premises are available for that, both domestic policy issues (e.g. elections in mediator countries, Armenia and NKR), and dynamics of implementation of existent agreements.”
Mockers of Putin and Armenia should be backed through actions. And they should be replied in a language and actions comprehensible to the world, precedent of which, by the way, quite recently the same world has given. It refers to Great Britain, Brexit, which being regretful for the Western world and the EU, however, was acceptable and clear, as it was expressing political will of the country’s citizens.
Team Armenia has won the first gold medal in Rio 2016. Armenia’s Greco Roman wrestler Arthur Alexanyan defeated Cuba’s Yasmany Lugo at the Greco-Roman 98 kg final.
“Probably they intend to hint that they anticipate concession from the side of Azerbaijan. Of course, it’s not good that NKR president also indirectly accepts that the so-called principles, put forward throughout the last 10-15 years, not realizing that the April war gave a serious ground to change the formula.”
The key to Karabakh conflict settlement, in fact, is not in Moscow, Paris or Washington, but as it has been repeatedly stated with disgust—in Yerevan. The key is in Yerevan not in the sense, by which those repeatedly stating mean, but absolutely, in the internal sense. And the sense has nothing to do with geo-political centers or conspiracy theories and is called an electoral system.