The index says print media in Armenia is diverse and polarized, investigative journalism is developing online, however there is poor pluralism in TV media.
The Azerbaijani forces open fired in the direction of Baghanis interstate roadway in Tavush Province of Armenia on April 25 at about 17:45.
“Each and everyone of us must vow to keep the promise, to fight the Genocide wherever it occurs in the world,” says the actor.
“Armenian authorities and the justice ministry had made efforts for the convict’s transfer and currently the obstacle of financial obligations in transferring Hrachya Harutyunyan to Armenia is eliminated,” Kocharyan said.
A junior sergeant of the same base, A. Sargsyan, violated safety precautions while handling his service weapon and accidentally discharged a round, which hit Hakobyan in the head. The junior sergeant has been remanded in custody.
On April 24 and overnight April 25 the Azerbaijani forces violated the ceasefire regime more than 50 times by firing over 800 shots from various caliber weapons at the Armenian positions in the Artsakh-Azerbaijan line of contact.
I think for me as an Armenian, I feel it’s always important that people don’t just identify Armenians with genocide. Armenians are just not about the genocide. The genocide is a dark chapter of Armenian history, but this is the first Christian nation in the history of the world, there’s a rich culture, and even though you don’t have a lot of time to incorporate some of these elements into a two-hour film, we try to convey a sense of love, family, faith, kindness, and community in the context of the film.
Professor Garabed Antranikian is a world-famous and highly regarded microbiologist. He is a recipient of the most coveted European environmental award, the Environment Prize of the German Environment Foundation. Antranikian has achieved unprecedented success in developing environmentally friendly products, particularly in the production of new materials and fuels obtained from renewable resources.
I’ll never forget the “tears” the rain made on the tips of the 12 slabs, each representing the 12 Armenian provinces that perished during the Genocide. 102 years later and still we are fighting for recognition and justice.
“Being Armenian means triumph to me. Every one of us who succeeds is a triumph in the face of Genocide – they failed to annihilate us, failed to silence us, and we will continue to thrive worldwide. It makes me very proud,” Alexis says.