“What seemed unbelievable, what the political powers and the civil society have claimed for a long time, and it seemed the issue won’t be solved, is currently being solved. Today the incredible is becoming a reality,” ANC Faction Head Levon Zurabyan said, thanking all the participants of the process.
The President’s decree reads: “Guided by the 4 th point of the Article 55th of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia amended in 2005, I decide: Appoint Karen Karapetyan as Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia.”
In Russian respective offices history has been properly read, including the Armenian, and they know that historically Armenians have always had their own state and irreplaceable devotees acting against statehood, who, later in the literature, written by order, were made heroes later to the degree of making people cry.
The fact that, as compared to other documents, that of Key West is kept secret until now, already seemed not only strange, but rather hazardous, as there may be 2 explanations for that. Either the document plans unequal concessions, or it yet may be put on the negotiation table.
“We should be grateful to those, who are sincere and don’t hide that they again intend to take Artsakh, that they don’t observe any possibility for recognition of the Republic of Artsakh, they always say there won’t be a second Armenian state.”
“I think there is a conflict escalation risk which can lead to negative consequences. The Nagorno Karabakh conflict requires huge attention from all sides. He said if someone considers the Nagorno Karabakh conflict manageable, he is mistaken,” OSCE U.S. Co-Chair said.
“Looking at trends in Armenia, it is clear that Armenia is in a political crisis today. However, this political crisis is nothing new – it has been accumulating. It’s also based on underlined lack of legitimacy as the Armenian voters, the constituency have been denied to determine the future of this country.”
“I consider, we can’t find a direct connection between NK conflict and Syrian crisis, it lacks, thus, it’s complicated to discuss its impact. Russia-USA agreement is a positive milestone in bilateral relations, which may be reflected on cooperation of these two mediators in negotiations.
” Putin has appointed him in Armenia to prevent the process being implemented as a result of Western ‘soft’ power, purpose of which was impacting on the process of leadership formation and developing comparatively desired political panorama for the West at this stage, during 2017 Parliamentary elections, and after it, in 2022, already developing a totally pro-Western leadership, which will endanger Russia, as its half-century-old military base is deployed here.”
“I think, accentuations in Armenia are correct, that gesture isn’t that of Moscow, but of Yerevan, and it’s another question why it’s necessary to show Yerevan as if it acts upon Moscow’s desire, here economic analysis may be made.”