“Firstly, we observe that Russia dangerously changes its already fragile power balance, by providing armaments to Azerbaijan, particularly, when currently Russia negotiates another arms deal with Azerbaijan.”
“The issue refers to Ukraine, doesn’t it? I consider, it’s impermissible, thus, they should be cautious. I don’t think that other implications are available on account of the fact that the investigative group will issue other information later,” the German analyst said.
“As we may see, this is neither the first nor the last likewise comment. European security is mainly provided by separate countries on account of their military capabilities, and this is violated under migration threat and internal terror.”
Reflecting to this decision issued by JIT, Linas Kojala said what happened with Boeing, was clear a few hours later, when Washington, grounding on its reconnaissance data, issued almost the same conclusion as JIT, and when official Moscow passed on to its justifications, appearing in the role of defending itself.
The amended version of the Tax Code, which was introduced into the agenda of NA extraordinary session by the second reading, rather late appeared on NA official website. The MPs and experts basically had no time to familiarize with the amendments after the first reading and mainly had to be led by the speech and answers of RA SRC Deputy Chairman Vakhtang Mirumyan.
Kirk Kirkorian’s “The Promise” film’s premiere was on September 11, 2016, at Toronto International Film Festival (tiff). The film was shown in Toronto’s Roy Thomson Hall.
“I consider, Azerbaijan will initiate symmetric steps, however, I should also state that in that issue Moscow’s purpose of supply will be taken into consideration.”
Penalties for delaying taxes, defined by the tax legislation, are being considerably reduced: it comprised 0.15% upon the existent law, currently it’s defined 0.75%. The Government considers if the taxpayer was disciplined and didn’t manage to pay out of certain reasons, he should be able to continue his activity, and not close the business and leave.
“Yerevan has one strategic ally—Russia. The latter aspires full economic and military integration, however, NK has no place in these plans. Armenia has willingly chosen absolute Russian dependency, hoping that it’ll defend NK, receive economic benefit, from which—cheap energy import and serious investments, as well as armaments by cheaper prices.”
On official level Russia will mainly criticize the issue of formation of European armed forces and will repeatedly stone that idea. However, it doesn’t mean that these tendencies actually contradict to Russia’s interests, as direction of Russian foreign policy, as a primary issue before it, also has the issue of enervating the West as much as possible and preventing unity of western countries.