More than dozens of movies left behind, several of which brought world fame not only to the film director, but also his homeland, authorizing discovery of “Distance montage”—exclusive innovative theory in cinematography, and today Pelechian won’t stop “shooting” the upcoming film—“Homo sapiens”, but for now only in his mind.
Greater part of tourists—1 084 933 stayed in houses of relatives or friends, rented apartments and similar places. 174 724 people stayed in hotels.
“The most obvious change is the scope of the two agreements. The new one will only encompass political part of the previous one and very limited section on trade, as DCFTA (Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area) is not compatible with Armenia’s participation in EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union).”
Various in-depth issues bothering our country, our society are being touched upon during the debates launched at “Pressing” Club under “168 Hours” newspaper. The project is implemented in partnership with “DEPOP” Institute for Governance, “AZAD Pharma AG” ltd and “168 Hours” newspaper.
I consider Yerevan has matured that balance that after dialogue with Moscow was more “lively”, including finances, which under endless economic crisis objectively end. Even in case of not so cheap loans. And what is the most important, I consider, regarding Serzh Sargsyan’s visit to Brussels, from Russia’s perspective is that many Russian experts learned about it accidentally, only when the visit took place, as basically that visit wasn’t elucidated in Russia.
Ahead of the April 2 parliamentary elections in Armenia, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) foundation has planned a series of events dedicated to the platforms of political forces running for Parliament.
“It seemed a year ago the situation over Iran was going for improvement, but now, it seems everything is changing back. The US is again speaking about sanctions against Iran. I’m not saying this will lead to war, but the fact that uncertainty is being created over Iran again is obvious. Iran is an important partner for Armenia, and I think Iran will look towards the EEU through Armenia,” he said.
Charnetsky stated that regarding signing Armenia-EU agreement the “ball” is mostly in the “court” of the new government. However, according to him, it seems to him no matter who will win in the elections, they’d intend to ratify the negotiated new agreement with the EU.
5 political parties and 4 alliances, taking part in the upcoming parliamentary elections on April 2, have filled in declarations of property and incomes, which are available on the official website of Central Electoral Commission (CEC).
“As for operations by Azerbaijan, they are rather predictable. Every event, which once again proves that Artsakh is a productive and complete state, stirs aggression. It’s necessary to show on the site that the conflict isn’t resolved. And NKR Defense Army showed its readiness to such “traditional” attacks.”