I hope that this is a temporary problem; sort of machismo and it will disappear very soon as we have the commitment to get to serious work in the nearest future. Hopefully, this is not a conscious behavior intended to abort Vienna arrangements.
Impressive growth was provided on account of “culture, entertainment and recreation” subfield, which has grown for about 50%. It’s mainly recorded on account of activation of casinos.
NATO is a productive tool to repress Russia, many in Georgia and Ukraine refer to this structure only from this perspective. On the other hand, according to Kapitonenko, NATO is the “monster” around which Russia builds its foreign policy in the post-Soviet area.
Collective Security Treaty Organization—CSTO, in fact, was established for that very purpose: to subordinate security systems of member countries by various formulations under Russia’s control.
I personally know Samvel Babayan, yet years ago I got acquainted with him, thus I can share with my personal impressions. In my opinion, Samvel Babayan in no way is a politician, even by 1 percent, he is an ordinary militarian, thus, he has no political perspectives.
For Armenia’s authorities, making statements on integration with Europe, in fact, current quality and regime of relations with Europe are ideal, when becoming a part of Europe is touched upon only on statement level, and at the same time, money is obtained from Europe to continue talking about it.
Was there any other variant to satisfy the society again within the framework of law? Yes. The only variant was in-depth survey i.e. going back by 10-15 years and implement detailed study of the dusty road of monopolies: how they generated, from where they acquired initial capital, who they bribed, who they terrified, with whom they came to a collusive agreement, where they cheated and etc. In short, checking all the suspicions “hanging in the air.”
“The ostrich policy by our field of transport is impermissible. We should initiate it for ourselves and the transporting enterprises should have incomes and pay taxes. Why should products come from China and Georgia or Turkey may earn money for that?”
Pavel Felgenhauer, Russian military analyst, told “168 Hours” both Vienna meeting, and to all probabilities, the forthcoming meeting as well will end with no results. According to him, political will is necessary for ceasefire and nothing else.
Russia, which completely manages almost all strategic and non-strategic objects and substructures in Armenia, thus, in near future, will get the right to manage Armenia’s “air” or air defense.