Though anathema today to both Azerbaijani and Armenian society, Akhmedov’s final formulation is the key to a political settlement of the conflict. Nagorno-Karabakh does belong to both nations, each of which views the region as a cradle of its respective culture; the two spent most of their histories living peacefully together.
Yes, any guarantee formulated with the participation of leading powers, influential world organizations, in form of any document is of utmost importance. The point is, however, that security may be guaranteed not only and not much through documents, but by the role of that security guarantor and its power in international policy.
“This is sensational news of global and historical importance, which didn’t receive adequate reflection in Armenia. This means, that a united air force is being established in Armenia, which will provide external defense.”
Mockers of Putin and Armenia should be backed through actions. And they should be replied in a language and actions comprehensible to the world, precedent of which, by the way, quite recently the same world has given. It refers to Great Britain, Brexit, which being regretful for the Western world and the EU, however, was acceptable and clear, as it was expressing political will of the country’s citizens.
The key to Karabakh conflict settlement, in fact, is not in Moscow, Paris or Washington, but as it has been repeatedly stated with disgust—in Yerevan. The key is in Yerevan not in the sense, by which those repeatedly stating mean, but absolutely, in the internal sense. And the sense has nothing to do with geo-political centers or conspiracy theories and is called an electoral system.
“The international recognition process of Nagorno Karabakh is proceeding quite actively, and we have already achieved several results in this direction. As of today, administrative entities of USA’s Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, Louisiana, California, Georgia, Hawaii and Australia’s New Wales’s states, Basque Country, Fresno, Los Angeles and several others have expressed in favor of recognizing the independence of Nagorno Karabakh.”
“The important thing is that the Presidents reaffirmed their commitment of the peaceful solution of the conflict with maintaining relative stability in the line of contact. In addition, proposal which can restore peace between the sides were actively discussed,” Warlick said.
The press conference was summoned to summarize the results of the first yearly educational quarter of the Army and the developments of April, as well as outlining the ongoing and further activities’ important directions. Prior to a Q&A, the Commander briefed on the general main activities in his introductory remarks, noting that the Defense Army has fulfilled its duties and realized all planned actions.
“Putin clarified Russia’s position in Baku. He stated that Russia would like that there were no winners or losers, but a mutually acceptable settlement was recorded. For the time being, I think there are no settlement plans, or, even if they are available, they won’t be discussed on account of moods in Armenia and Azerbaijan. Occurrences in Yerevan also complicate negotiations, as clear calls and claims were heard.”
“Of course, on account of the mistakes, we implemented different military trainings, on the basis of which lay the issue of developing new strategy, new operations and arrays,” he said.