It should be noted that there another eternal contrasting point in real estate statistics: real estate prices. Against the background of double digit drop of alienation deals and primary registrations, real estate prices won’t drop. Average price for 1sq. m in Kentron administrative district, upon official statistics, comprises AMD 428 thousand. This price hasn’t changed at least for 1 dram since 2013.
To all probabilities, the Armenian side will concede not 5 regions, as anticipated by the “Russian plan,” but for instance, 2 or 3, for which details on holding a referendum on Karabakh’s status will be more certain.
Ambassador Piotr Świtalski, Head of EU Delegation to Armenia, stated that Armenians have their original genetic entrepreneurial vein, and only a corresponding environment and legislation is ncessary.
“Under any conflict certain possibility of resumption of such operations is existent, however, I consider, that currently that possibility is even less, than prior to the outbreak of war. In any case, it’s less probable that they’d like to repeat their attempt in near future. And Armenia continues to get armed, and it has the right.”
“First and foremost, Armenia’s interests have been protected. Only the fact that during the aggression 500-800 people died, only this is becoming a reason for concern, this formulation isn’t acceptable to me. Otherwise all this may be dedicated, however, we need to be more demanding and not to forget that a war was unleashed against us, and let’s not forget that we recorded 103 casualties, let’s not forget that they are shooting until now, every day an Armenian soldier and a peaceful civilian falls on the border.”
Data issued by the Cadastre “spoil” titanic work by the State Committee of Real Property Cadastre of RA Government, towards providing “brilliant,” “jumping” and “progressive” temps of economic growth. In fact, economic decline, real, non-statistical decline has entered every family, every house, some part of which is becoming a subject for pledge to solve the issue of existence.
“Another attempt is made to boost conflict settlement process, following hot traces of the developments, thus by that replying to the question: is it possible to record a positive result through a means like resumption of military operations? In my opinion, it’s less probable, and the fact that today Azerbaijan states at meetings, that it’s loyal to the settlement process, speaks of the fact that by its strategy, if it may be called one, didn’t reach its purpose.”
“Erdogan took a bold and unexpected step, clearly realizing what benefits it may gain, and by that step it surprised Russia. Currently the Russian side should understand how it should reflect to Turkey’s attempts of rapprochement, as it shouldn’t neither get excited nor lose Turkey, as Russia-Turkey relations won’t overcome another crisis, Turkey shouldn’t be “threatened” and instigated by acknowledging Erdogan’s sore spots.”
There is a serious risk that long-range ground-to-ground missiles would be used and casualties, particularly civilian, be much higher in the effort to gain a decisive ground advantage. In the wake of the April fighting, the publics in Armenia and Azerbaijan are more ready for military solutions than at any time in 25 years. Russia sees itself as the regional arbiter which is bound to intervene, not least because of its tight treaty relations with Armenia.
“I told previously that Azerbaijan will attempt to make use of any instability in the region, which it attempted to do in April. I’m also of the conviction that activities of Azerbaijan with Turkey aren’t particularly agreed, as Turkey attempts to keep some distance from the conflict, and Azerbaijan strives to involve Turkey. Simply any instability is in favor of Azerbaijan. I think, for a short-term future rehabilitation of Russia-Turkey relations will be positively reflected on NK conflict, however, it won’t completely eliminate the threat for NK conflict outbreak, as Azerbaijan intends to reach its imagined NK conflict settlement through exerting pressure.”